Access Chart
Uchaguzi 2022 Access Chart
Below is a description of all access levels on the platform, and permissions associated with each.
Description of Access
Full access and administration of the platform ( Reserved for Ushahidi team members and reps from uchaguzi convening partners)
Manage posts
They can view and edit all posts. This team creates all posts from SMS, Email, Twitter. They should NOT PUBLISH or VERIFY any posts.
Media Monitoring
Manage posts
They can view and edit all posts. They create posts from media streams online. They should NOT PUBLISH or VERIFY any posts.
Manage posts
They can view and edit all posts. They translate posts received in local languages into english. They should NOT PUBLISH or VERIFY any posts.
Manage Posts
They can view and edit all posts. They help to determine accurate locations of posts. They should NOT PUBLISH or VERIFY any posts.
Manage Posts
They can view and edit all posts. They are the only team mandated to publish reports.
Manage Posts
They can view and edit, and verify all posts.
Team Leads
Manage Users( Upgrades), Manage posts
They can upgrade users onto their respective teams.
Analysis and Research
Manage posts
They can view all posts, but SHOULD NOT take any action on posts
Submit posts
They can view their own reports, but cannot take any further action on posts.
Manage posts
They can view all posts, and tag any posts they have taken action on
Last updated