6.9.1 Exporting Data
The platform now allows for data export, enabling you to download posts from the platform in CSV format. You can download posts from your map mode, Data mode, saved searches and collections you have access to, or based on custom criteria( search filters set by you as a user).
To export a CSV file,
Click on settings and select Export and tag data
Once there, click on the Export all data button within the same section.
You can also select the specific fields from each survey you want to export if you don't want to export all data at once. Once you have selected your fields, select Export Selected Fields
A small confirmation box will appear seeking confirmation on whether you would like to proceed with exporting your data.
Click on Got it to export your CSV file
Click on Cancel export if you would like to terminate the export process.
You should get a CSV file named after your deployment name in your downloads folder
Last updated