4.2 Users
Video setup guide
Video coming soon
Written setup guide
To access the User management page, on the sidebar, click on Settings
Then, click on Users
You’ll be redirected to a page with a list of all existing users on your deployment
If you are an ushahidi.io user, you should see the the user you created on set up listed on this page. If you are an ushahidi open source user, every installation comes with a default username: admin and password: admin123
From here, you can search for users either by name or by custom role
4.2.1 Adding new users
To add a new user, click on the yellow icon as shown below
Fill out the details below
Display Name: This is the name that will be displayed
Email address: This is the email address that will be tied to this new user’s account, and will be used to log in.
Password: Set a strong and secure password for your new user. Each password must have at least 7 characters
Role: Choose the level of administration access you would like this user to have
Click on Save to create one.
4.2.2 Editing users
To edit a user, click on the user you intend to edit from the user list page
You should be able to edit the user’s display name, email address, password and user role from this page.
Click on save when done.
4.2.3 Deleting users
Similarly, you can delete multiple users at once from the user management page, or from the individual user edit page.
To delete a single user, from the individual user edit page. Click on the user you intend to edit from the user list page.
Click on Delete User
A pop up box will appear on the top of the page, prompting you to confirm whether you would like to delete your user
Click on Yes, delete to delete your user
If you’d like to cancel the user deletion process, click on No, go back
To delete a multiple user, from the User management page:
Click on the bulk actions button
Check/select the users to delete
Click on the delete button or icon
A pop up box will appear, prompting you to confirm whether you would like to delete your users
Click on Yes, delete to delete your user
If you’d like to cancel the user deletion process, click on No, go back
Last updated