6.4 Editing Posts

The post editing function is only available to admins or registered users with adequate permissions. This means that non registered users cannot edit posts.

This feature is particularly useful when creating posts out of unstructured posts (messages from SMS, Email, Twitter). We'll cover the structuring process in section 6.4.1 below.

To edit a post:

  • Select a post from your data view

  • Click on the Edit Icon. This will load the post editor on the right pane of your page, where you’ll be able to edit any of the content.

  • If you're logged in and have adequate permissions you should also be able to change the status of your post.

  • When done making changes, click on Save.

6.4.1 Structuring posts

Structuring posts: Information for structuring posts go here once added to mzima. For now, refer to v3.0 user documentation about structuring posts.

6.4.2 Locked posts

Locked posts: Information for locked posts go here once added. For now, refer to v3.0 user documentation about locked posts.

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