Installing the bot

Facebook Bot Setup

The Ushahidi facebook-bot is built with Lumen and a mysql database. To set it up you need to


  1. Make sure you have the following installed:

  2. You must have an instance of the COMRADES Platform deployed and accessible via the internet, as you will need to point the facebook bot to your deployment.


The script

Bot uses a predefined script when talking to the users. It is not possible to adjust the questions themselves without doing some coding, but during setup, some information about the ushahidi-deployment and the campaign is needed. That information is added in the .env file and is used to create and adjust this script to the organisation using the bot. These are:

TITLE: The title of the Ushahidi-deployment connected to the the bot is used

AIM: The aim/a short description of the campign where the bot is used.

NAME: The name of the bot

TWITTER_NAME: The twitter-name for the organisation/campaign using the bot

TWITTER_HASH: The hashtag used for the organisation/campaign

The full script of the bot can be found here.


For some of the credentials in the .env-file you need to create a “Facebook-app”. You do that here:

After creating the app, select “Messenger” under “Add a product” in your app-settings:

In order to get an access-token, you need to connect it to a facebook-page. If you don’t have one already, go to the “normal” facebook (not the developer-one) and create a page:

After that, go back to developer-facebook and your app, in the messenger-settings, you can select your page and generate an access-token:

Add the access-token to your .env file together with a verify-token of your choice and the facebook secret token found here:

When all those credentials are in your .env-file, together with the credentials for the Ushahidi-deployment you want to use to send reports with, you start the application with

  • vagrant up and then

  • artisan php migrate --seed (this sets together the script for the bot, using the variables you added to the .env-file)

Now go back to and click on Messenger->settings to set up your webhooks.

Use your-url/webhook as callback-url and verify-token is the same as you choose in the .env file. Select messages and messaging_postbacks. Click on verify and save.

Go to your page and send a message to the page to start talking to the bot. It is good to add a start-button and a persistent-menu, instructions for those could be found in the facebook-documentation: