Upgrading from V3.x.x to V4.x.x

In September 2018, we updated the Platform api, removed Kohana (mostly) and started using Lumen. This affects some of the setup and commands used in the api.

Migration guide


Please ensure that you are using a supported version of PHP for the version of platform that you are running.

  • v2 supports up to PHP 5.4

  • v3 supports PHP 5.6 and 7.0

  • v4.0.0 supports PHP 7.0 to 7.2

  • v4.1.0+ supports PHP 7.1 to 7.3 (inclusive). This change was made to ensure we support versions of PHP that are getting security fixes at the very least. See PHP maintenance schedules here.

  • v4.4.0+ supports PHP 7.2 and 7.3 (inclusive). This is, again, according to PHP 7.1 scheduled End-Of-Life.

Database config changes

The database configuration vars have been renamed.

New Configuration keys


bin/ushahidi will be deprecated in future versions. You should use artisan instead.

Command name changes

CLI commands have been renamed. If you had cronjobs set up to run dataproviders, etc you will need to update those

Filesystem changes

Uploaded files have moved from application/media/upload to storage/app. You should move any existing files to the new location.

If you used a CDN for file storage, you should configure the FILESYSTEM_DRIVER variable in your .env file. Then review config/filesystems.php to find the other config parameters, the old CDN_... params have be renamed.

Old configuration files

Old configuration files in application/config are now obsolete. These are not either located in config/, or configured through environment vars (ie. .env)

Platform Client

To use this version of the platform API, you will need to update your version of the platform-client to use the same release version.