2. Setting up a deployment
You can create a new deployment in two ways:
From the homepage on ushahidi.com
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Click on details to have a basic understanding of what each cookie entails before selecting, and click on About to learn more about cookies.
Click on Deny or Allow Selection or Allow All when done.
Filling out your deployment details:
Deployment Name: You can give your deployment any name
Deployment URL: Each deployment will have a unique web address. No two deployments can have the same web address. Once created, this CANNOT be changed, so be sure to countercheck the web address set is one you’re okay having permanently.
Once you’re done, click on Continue.
Filling out the organization detail fields:
Organization name: This is the name of your organization, assuming it's different from the name of your deployment
Size of the organization: How many people are working with you in your organization?
What are you using Ushahidi for: Select the appropriate category that matches what you will be using your deployment for
Once you’re done, click on Continue.
Fill out your account details
Name: This will appear alongside your activity on the deployment
Email address: You’ll use this email address to log into your deployment and receive notifications
Set a secure password that will be used to access this deployment.
Agree to our Terms and Conditions
Once you’re done, click on “Create Deployment”
You will be taken on a brief tour of the user interface and main features of Ushahidi. If you’d like to skip this tour, click on “Skip” at any time.
You may see a warning "Your deployment is not ready yet. Please try again later" when you access your deployment url for the first time after creating it. If that happens, it will be available in a few minutes.