Meeting Records

Meeting notes records from Ushahidi staff. Every Monday at 10.00 GMT

March 23 2020:

  • answering intercom messages which are coming in at at 10x more than before

  • Facebook account: Cecilia was listed as an editor not admin. Now she's an admin. Plan to redirect everyone to the website so that everyone has the same info.

  • David: making sure our servers are alive and making adjustments to be able to handle new load.

    Walter: verifying issues that came up through intercom.

  • Romina to open source the mobile app.

  • Anna: reviewing code. Trying to figure out how to help potential interns apply. Working on the plans to upgrade issue later. Then editing COVID page to include video.

  • Romina to do pull requests to support Anna today

  • Outreachy: just monitor situation for now.

December 1st 2019

Attending: Angie, Romina, Anna, David L, Eriol, Cecilia, Walter

  • COC email

    • AP's: Missing 1 transparent of who is in the email group.

    • What's going to happen once they send an email.

    • Short message/training if you're in that list and what happens.

  • Finish these actions before EOY & Publish

  • People to be on the list: Romina, Anna, +1 open slot Cecelia

  • Anna will edit the doc

  • COC needs to be finished by the EOY

  • 2020 plan - Ideas for engagement: SDK (if we get it) done in the open, more meet-ups every 3rd month updates based, Open our process, community call be open? have to be willing to speak about or not speak about internal discussions (good experiment) q1 and then review, Ease into it by inviting specific community members or people who are very involved now, finding out and working on what ever problems stop people from working on features, Product roadmap meetings and fixed roadmap review meeting open for community quarterly scheduled calls. < decide on timings a-sync.

  • QA testing suite accurate and backlog cleaned etc.

November 18th 2019

Attending: Eriol, David L, Romina, Anna, Walter

  • DIAL report submitted! Thanks to Romina, Angie and Irene W.

  • FOSSDEM submission came and went without applications. Open Source Design's room is still open until 1st Dec.

  • newsela hackathon went well!

    • Eriol needs to send swag

    • 3 PR's documentation, private key that was missing, a new middle ware that's not merged yet, someone attemped totla post bug, Hover state for time meta data.

    • Everyone managed to do a PR

    • Some issues setting up platform (as always) forgotten to do CSH? different versions of node in terminal sessions. 3 min pair and it was resolved.

    • The best balance of effort to output so far. Got the feeling these people were senior and found it easy to setup and fix. Didn't need help.

    • Background were python and react developers

    • Someone started to work on a huge tech debt issue.

    • Incosistent use of hypens and underscores?!

    • Pattern library fix was needed.

    • No devops or QA contributions yet!

  • We'll plan the Women who code hackthon for the new year

  • Eriol did a short report back on Open Design

  • Eriol needs to follow up with the attendes to support the contributions in the issues.

  • Phillipenes slowness in intercom. Documentation on platform as a service. Not code, not how you use but things that are relative to issues or things that happen when you use it.

  • Cecilia FAQ's section. Support gitbooks. Steal the guides from David L.

  • New docs for field description.

  • Kenya GDPR tbc how awful? Romina will update us

  • Please finish actions for DIAL retro. please please

  • Walter to Discuss with Staicy re. Hague Hacks and Isooko balance

  • Anna to curate the next one of the OSS calls

November 4th 2019

Attending: Eriol, David L, Romina, Anna.

October 7th 2019

Attending: Eriol, Anna, David L, Walter, Romina, Angie

Apologies: Staicy


  • DIAL report progress/submission

  • Devhub comms plan

    • What do we want?

    • Noise on social media -> who to tag #ushahidi #opensource

    • Verifier being used -> Can we ask for a review/article? for blog post/twitter/quote and send schwag + add to documentation.

    • Add a CTA in blog post -> drafts in .com needs review.

    • Open post?

    • Post in all the places like slack groups

    • Angie also has a blog post ready re. OSS strategy. Almost ready for review. Link TBC.

  • Verifier needs fixes. Has been capture in issues

  • Hacktoberfest 2019 planning etc.

    • Added Ushahidi in

    • approx 20 issues in hacktoberfest label

    • Shall we push our hacktoberfest issues to any of these events: AP: Eriol

    • Do we have capacity? Tim is keen but needs guidance - Can we offer other support?

  • Kerala feedback & Open Design needs

    • Eriol described the nature of the Open Design relationship

    • Anything that is very useful for face time with Kerala.

      • Dive deeper on: the list of the things they wanted to build in their new system. What are the things that platform didn't do? what inform their choice to build custom than use us.

  • CoC decision

    • Quorum on CoC decisions from last week.

  • Next meeting: Us being admins on deployers projects

September 30th 2019


  • Eriol Fox

  • Walter Obada

  • Romina Suarez


  • Anna

  • Angela

  • David


  • DIAL report

  • Devhub comms plan

  • Conferences prep - All things Open, Mozfest, Bath Digital Festival etc.

  • Webinars/community meetups.

    • Geochicas webinar: sent email to start to coordinate.

    • ISOOKO Webinar: need to set expectations on what we want to cover.

    • May want to do one about DevHub and Installer helper

    • Still need to wait on discussions with the team on when we want to do these.

  • CoC reporting

  • Hacktoberfest 2019

    • Registered in

    • Tagged #hacktoberfest issues in GitHub (thanks TIm for the reminder!)

  • [Community] feedback

    • Difficulty getting funding for their projects.

    • Eriol supporting a deployer on maternity leave/publishing reports.

  • Decision - Set policy: discuss access to deployments (ie admin access) when someone offers.

  • Bristol Women's Voice (Eriol is supporting them).

    • Still coordinating.

  • WOC Hackathon London.

    • Still coordinating.

September 9th 2019


  • Anna Iosif

  • Eriol Fox

  • Walter Obada

  • Angie Odour

  • Staicy Gitau

  • David Losada


  • Romina Suraez


  • DIAL wrap up checkin based on a) Progress?

    • Clean up on the dev hub right now

    • QA docs need moving from github to gitbook.

    • Romina is working on videos.

    • Loose threads that need wrapping up. Friday max deadline.

    • Quick demo of Dev Hub structure. Looking good. Do a demo on Allhandscall.

    • Ushahidi platform helper work ongoing. A lot done. Internal QA done. Final test run.

    • Installer is going well but Docs are needed.

      b) Blockers

      • AP: Anna needs help with some BE connecting up. David & Anna to chat.

      c) Report writing plan

      • xxx

      d) Future music

      • Usertesting with community can be done later once a living thing is out there. Eriol can test with users or can do open Q's to the community.

      • Engagement on helper asking people to use it.

  • OSD: Needs for support this week?

    • COC reviews in channel

    • Future: Curating a design track for OSS events in partnership with Open Source and confs.

    • How to work events around a current issue in a backlog.

  • Mailing lists/Forums

    • Opinion: Kill mailing list. Keep forums until we find something else.

    • Forums good for referring back to historical questions. Purpose is good. Staicy & Cecilia helping out with a schedule.

    • AP: Remove from docs and replace with Gitter/community link Romina!

    • Further discussion needed on purpose of forums.

  • CoC reporting

  • Hacktoberfest 2019?

  • Kerala feedback

    • Eriol needs to speak to Kerala by the end of the Month re. open Design. But let's understand a holistic approach to engagement with these folks.

  • AOB

Short check in on Thursday for DIAL < AP: Anna to organise

Carried over to next meeting:

  • CoC reporting

  • Hacktoberfest 2019?

  • Kerala feedback

August 26th 2019


  • Anna Iosif

  • Eriol Fox

  • David Losada

  • Romina Suraez

  • Walter Obada

  • Angie Odour


  • Staicy Gitau


Free session - We're wrapping up DIAL and looking forward at platform strategy, Technical meetings etc.

Deadline of DIAL stuff 18th Sept.

Shall we open up the call for anyone to join?

Community calls? Shall we look at those

Walter Q - Testing QA documentation issues were created for Write/Speak/Code conference OSS day.

Should asks for OSS contributions live in github repos or somewhere else. Does it make sense to have it on one place.

OSD re. Social polls: How did they find the issues they worked on. Where, why, how?

Platform call is strategy - there needs to be a place to talk about the kind of community work. Should we combine the call. Move the S&E call?

There's no frame for us to talk about open source stuff that we want to do as GSOC & Outreachy & DIAL

Is there a reason we are struggling to keep it alive without a grant?

How are we giving direction to OSS efforts?

Transition period 1 structure to something new? What decisions can we take in this call? Some direction?

The drive to do stuff is there, but we need to package it and know where it's going.

Email from Michael Downey

Hello friends of DIAL Open Source Center, we are planning year-end participation in both Outreachy and Google Code-in. We are writing to ask if your organization might be interested in participating in these upcoming mentorship opportunities.

Do we want to participate in Google Code-in and/or GSOC. Deadline on 5th of Sept.

Lots of travel in October when Google code in starts.

No one leading the S&E side of things.

Discussion on how to best manage that in the interim. OSS is the core of the new direction on what we're doing.

Agreed merging with S&E and every 2nd week we'll discuss.

Have a bigger conversation on the Platform call re. roles & gaps in our work.

Report due 60 days after finishing grant (18th Sept)

August 12th 2019


  • Anna Iosif

  • Eriol Fox


  • Angie Odour

  • Staicy Gitau

  • David Losada

  • Romina Suraez

  • Walter Obada


  • We're due a progress report? Angie & Anna looked at the requirements of the grant re. when we're due to submit grants

  • Angie is reaching out to Mike to ask.

  • 1 month left on the project! 18th of Sept.

  • Installer is due to be done in about 2 weeks.

  • Dev hub is being worked on

  • Final report

  • Everything DIAL is looking good!

  • Walter is working on the QA documentation

  • We would like more QA contributions :) or non-code contributions

  • Managing push requests from community is not part of anyone's workflow at the moment. << Ask Platform team/Angie How can we trust translation efforts.

  • Eriol has sorted out swchag for interns.

  • Need intern's addresses for posting.


  • 2 emails from 2 contributors re.

  • Platform where people are translating things

  • How does Transifex work?!

  • AP: Ask Angie about Transifex

Devhub mini-brainstorm

  • Anna & Eriol did a mini brainstorm about devhub structure and layout.

August 5th 2019


  • Anna Iosif

  • Eriol Fox

  • Walter Odaba


  • Angie Odour

  • Staicy Gitau

  • David Losada

  • Romina Suraez


  1. Update on installer

  2. Update on devhub

  3. Write/code/speak

  4. Update on interns

  5. Do we want to participate in Outreachy winter 19/20? Initial discussion

  6. AOB

Anna & Romina working together on installer

Devhub is going well from Walter's efforts

Add new questions from support channel into FAQ

Eriol & Anna need to sit together and brainstorm on structure of devhub IA.

Deadline for DIAL work is the 18th of September and then we need to write a report.

Eriol gave an outline of the Write/Speak/Code open source coding day. Anna suggests writing a theme for issues. We need to well define issues. There's plenty to get help on. Eriol to set up a meeting next week with Anna, Romina, David L to plan.

Interns are doing well and working on projects. Do we want to participate in Outreachy winter 2019? We need to start prepping. Feeling is no wait till spring and plan a lot.

Intern final interviews and retro format to be discussed between Romina, Anna & Eriol.

Is the support and engagement calls still happening?

July 22nd 2019


  • Staicy Gitau

  • David Losada

  • Eriol Fox

  • Angie Odour

  • Walter Odaba


  • Anna Iosif

Talked about Outreach y & the upcoming meeting with Sage and how to progress post-internship period.

Some conflicts and confusing messages between people & interns.

Anna, David & Eriol to meet pre-Sage to be sure of what we want to cover.

Is there another report due for DIAL?

Installer is on target?

July 14th 2019

  • Staicy Gitau

  • David Losada

  • Eriol Fox


  • Anna Iosif

  • Angie Odour

Installer - work on the back-end part. Romina will help when she is back from Nairobi. David is on Back-end and Romina is on Front end. David is doing a very basic vanilla UI to show Eriol to produce design(ish) work to help out Romina.

Devhub - Eriol tagged issues and did a bit of work while Anna was on vacation.

Intern update - Discussion about whether outreachy will continue to support one of our intern. Good experience for future interns. Eriol will set up a sync call with Outreachy.

Demo versioning in github - Looked at the 'create a new version' section in the gitbooks 'mode context bar' or left hand side panel. Creates a new branch in a connected gitrepo (not if you don't have a connected repo)

Also looked at for roadmaps:

Let's talk about for our roadmap :D

S&E/Platform call/discussion - Feedback about when we want the longer call for S&E. Monday 22nd for the longer call.

June 24th 2019

  • Anna Iosif

  • Staicy Gitau

  • David Losada

Devhub FAQ: Anna will focus on creating the first version of it this week and then invite other developers to add to the questions they would like to add.

QA-part of devhub: Anna to discuss it with Romina.

Annas Handover: To be released before I go the 31st of June :)

Installer: David will go back working on in this week. How to release/communicate it? Talk to the "marketing-team"? We need to figure out who they are?

Outreachy/GSoC: Anna and David updated on the interns progress so far.

June 17th 2019

  • Anna Iosif

  • Eriol Fox

  • Staicy Gitau

  • David Losada

Maternal leave & apologies ❤️ :

  • Angela Oduor


1.Milestones for DevHub and timelines & Strategy on getting these done

  • Went through spreadsheet

  • These need adding to repo as issues.

  • Anna off on break on 1st of July for 1 month

  • Each task needs an owner. But tasks can be open.

  • An idea: Online/In-person events to help with this documentation/process

3. Milestones and timeline for the helper

  • Resourcing for design is being reviewed

  • Eriol could give a minimal FE design - not how it looks 'all the way' but some nice FE touches so Anna can do FE dev. Eriol to work on minimal design during July.

  • UX testing in September.

  • DIAL finishes 18th Sept.

  • Documentation & blog post from the feature description.

  • Social outreach on 'We're building a helper!' DM for to get involved. <- Eriol can make Instagram/social graphics

4. Progress on GSoc and Outreachy

  • J has been working through issues to get familiar with web development as their background is CS

  • Eriol have been supporting conference applications.

  • David been working with T.

  • Some shyness from interns.

  • J has been dealing with powercuts so GSoC can give an extension. J will tell us if this happens as it shouldn't mean she has to work extra.

  • Anna & David L requested to do a short write up of what worked well/didn't work well etc.

  • Are we doing google code-in in the Autumn? If we can get in if we don't have DIAL funding.

5. AOB

  • Consider using Lumen/Larvel than gitbooks for a main page and the versioning is better.

  • No S&E calls until Angie comes back & strategy has been communicated.

June 10th 2019

  • Anna Iosif

  • Eriol Fox

  • Staicy Gitau

Maternal leave & apologies ❤️ :

  • Angela Oduor

  • David Losada

  1. Dev hub async milestones brainstorm and agree on these this

  1. Update on MOSS grant and next steps there

  • Please read the document and comment on the workplan/SOW

  1. Staicy to send Eriol training documents for PTX in Kahzakstan

  • Ghana & DREAMS

  • Any useful questions we have for potential new grassroots users of platform.

  1. Mozilla festival application & Travel grants in by the end of this month.

  • Eriol to send the document round to Staicy & Interns and get submissions

S&E update

  • Things are hazy re. the strategy for platform. Need to know the direction.

  • Why do people still want to use crowdmap? Find out these reasons

May 20th 2019

  • Anna Iosif

  • David Losada

  • Eriol Fox

  • Staicy Gitau

Maternal leave & apologies ❤️ :

  • Angela Oduor

Agenda for 20/05/2019

  1. Outreachy/GSoC follow-ups

    • Anna spoke to Jenniline

    • Eriol spoken to Timothy & Nidhi and due to speak to Jenniline today

    • Some Interns need more direct structure and issues.

    • 1 intern back to Uni in June

    • Eriol to ask to sync with a professor re. course load and Ushahidi work.

    • Today till end of August intern period.

    • It doesn't mean you're not a good coder if you use a library

    • Invite interns to the developer channel & also a new channel for the intern's solo

    • 3 things for Nidhi Project, Portfolio & Speaking pitches. Finding jobs post internship

    • Need to provide an intern some better audio equipment. Can we absorb the cost.

    • Anna needs time to write issues for the interns.

    • Interns are good re planning.

    • Bigger team call next week with interns etc. Mid week meeting to be scheduled by Anna at 12.30

  2. DIAL-strategic follow-ups

    • Elections tool kits/planning document brainstorm - Eriol

    • Devhub document & meeting & trello board review - Anna

    • David & Eriol Installer

    • Videos - Eriol & Anna to look at on Sunday in Vilnus documentation day. Eriol to bring audio recording equipment.

    • Still got $800 for swag - Ask interns what they want

3. MOSS application follow-ups (@Eriol to update with progress)

  • Ideas to be added

  • Process going well

  • Eriol to finish more by today

  1. Implementation circle report-back (@Anna)

    • Isooko that need resources via Shadrock

    • Implementation kick off

    • Monica & Shadrock have needs around documentation in the upcoming months

    • Anna syncing with Monica on Wednesday. Clarity on what is needed

    • Raising DIAL work at Implementation work

    • Informed re. DIAL work

    • bi-weekly meetings - Think through what we want to raise there. Specific resources.

  2. Review of last week’s action items

    • See point 2 for AP's

  3. David’s Github/Maintainerati plan

    • David is attending both of these! :D with some funding :D Wednesday is a travel day. Thursday is the conference

    • GitHub announcements

    • User group focus discussions

    • Meet up with Devon. In the OSS section of GitHub.

    • Kickstarter style funding from users.

    • Group to talk about what those features should look like

    • Maintainerati - Smaller get together and what their pains & joys are. unstructured.Plan is talk to talk to folks there and see what happens.

    • If you find designers please push them to Eriol :D

  4. AOB

    • Design Open Office Hours - Opening up a weekly time for the community

      • Eriol to ask the org call on thoughts

      • Staicy suggests monthly so that people don't take advantage and also that people can look forward to it.

      • 3 for internal 1 for community.

    • Brief what we want from Write the docs: Vilnus.

      • Videos - Eriol & Anna to look at on Sunday in Vilnus documentation day. Eriol to bring audio recording equipment.

      • Anna is planning her speech wants support with talking. Suggestion for talking at allhands

    • Anna needs to push out devhub doc & sync meeting next week.

    • Anna to have a chat with Monica re. Isooko documentation re. Dev hub

  5. Request for the S&E calls are asynchronous via Slack.

May 13th 2019

  • Anna Iosif

  • David Losada

  • Eriol Fox

  • Staicy Gitau

Maternal leave & apologies ❤️ :

  • Angela Oduor

Agenda for 13/05/2019

  1. Plans and ideas for outreachy / gsoc . (@davidlosada & @Anna)

  • Quick and fruitful brainstorm between David L & Anna. Stuff to do and keep in mind when working with them.

  • Being engaging and communicative

  • On Slack in general. Invite on developer channel.

  • Make sure they get the impact, experience the culture, over and above what they have signed up for.

  1. Group approval to invite interns to #community-docs

  • Invite into community docs & calls?

    • Eriol agrees

    • Staicy agrees

    • Anna agrees

    • David agrees

  • One call with all interns weekly and 1-2-1's with interns.

  • Eriol to set up intro meetings with the interns for intros

  • Encourage them to blog/write. Cross post in Medium/Twitter etc.

  • Jenniline is required to blog every second week. via outreachy

  • Host a meet-up based off their work. Online/In-person? community meet-up

  • Find a target group of users to use these features. Voice, USSD, JS Migration

  • Eriol to dig out the Voice people from mozfest re. Justin

  • Staicy to reach out look at old DREAMS partners re. Voice

  • David L to reach out to Jess re. USSD

  • Swag for interns ($820 from DIAL)

  • DIAL money for travel - two people in West Africa. Can we organise a physical meeting? Let's talk in more depth. Talk about travel in more detail. Desire to have a meet-up in Ghana.

  • Jason has been contacted re. Travel grants - could be used from

  1. MOSS application — a few decisions to be made (@Eriol)

  1. Follow up on DIAL Strategic grant efforts

  • Installer efforts going well working with Romina

  • No visual/Design needs yet

  • David L to do a walkthrough with Eriol to talk UX & detail the flow & do a doc on what might need to be done.

    • David could do it on a DIAL call?

  • Devhub kickstart (@Anna)

    • Not said exactly what we would do

    • Increase number of tutorials

    • Better community wiki/docs


    • Notes from first brainstorm

    • Set up a new call on devhub @Anna

  1. Ideas for blog posts we could pitch to Jason Hibbets , to feature on

  • Loves posts about tools not events!

  • Create a google doc @David L

  • Ask the interns? ->

    • Methodology from migrating from Angular to React

  • OSD methodology

  1. Unblock conversation about Platform future and OSS . Game plan

  • Stuff is happening in the org.

  • Platform needs some guidance and strategy.

  • Let's discuss the document again!

  1. . What was it? Is it worth recovering?

  • Let's recover the content & improve the content.

  • How would we frame the content recovery?

    • Questions around Elections

      • Things a country could do to make elections democratic? Look to other orgs and what they do.

    • Crisis response

    • Educational purposes - Universities talking about GIS and crowd sourcing

    • Key areas that come up (where platform is used)

    • Why did it fail/become unmaintained?

  1. is the timing of the call still good? Any adjustments necessary?

  • Moving to 11:00 CEST//12:00 EAT/10:00 GMT!!

May 6th 2019

  • Anna Iosif

  • David Losada

  • Eriol Fox

  • Staicy Gitau

Maternal leave & apologies ❤️ :

  • Angela Oduor

Agenda for 6/05/2019

  1. Mauritania elections - Staicy

    • Very chatty on intercom/twitter

    • June 22nd elections - very time constrained

    • Budget wise it'd be tricky

    • Can we do something with DIAL on this?

    • Brainstorming document set up?

    • Can we spin it in the elections EU grant?

    • AP: Ask around contacts to see if there's anyone that can lead on this.

      • Eriol will ask Team Rubicon, Democracy Club & Rightscon

      • Other people list your contacts here :)

    • Let's plan to support other elections

        • Elections toolkit?

    • Watch the Business dev noise

  2. ECRF training - David

    • Came to Budapest from Eygpt.

    • Went well but intense

    • Happy with results of training

    • Used documentation

      • David has noted sections that need updating

      • Disappointed with Platform as a product. Not clear on the features and relevancy to them

      • Some bugs in Platform - not well maintained mostly mobile

      • Lots of packages and dependancies needing updating

    • Hard to give answers on 'what we will look into' can't make promises.

    • Platform strategy meeting Eriol to schedule for week of 12th May

    • David to connect org up to Eriol for a usertesting session.

  3. Questions from chat w/ Shadrock - Anna

    • Caught up with DIAL work

    • Implementation team setting up via Shadrock - Anna to keep in touch

    • Celestine is getting inbound leads and the strategy needs clarity to talk to clients

    • Eriol is gonna join org calls but other people should too if they want to help protect platform

    • It's a blended grant app part AI part Elections grant smooshed. Let's try to make sure this stays achievable for the team. - David and/or Staicy to keep an eye on this grant.

  4. DIAL 2 - start scoping devhub

    • Going A-sync conversation

  5. MOSS-grant- we should apply

    • Eriol will talk to Sarah about this re. a good contact name and also start the application.

  6. AOB

    • Plan for another in-person hackathon install event

    • Eriol will @ the installathon people in the channel to try to do more engagement

    • Outreachy & GSoC will announce today and we should plan an onboarding.

April 16th 2019

On the call:

  • Anna Iosif

  • David Losada

  • Eriol Fox

  • Staicy Gitau

Maternal leave & apologies ❤️ :

  • Angela Oduor

Agenda for 16/04/2019

  • Look at the next application and get it ready to submit:

    • Submitted! yay! well done!

  • Outreachy & GSoC updates

    • We want:

    • (Outreachy) - Data exchange or Voice - David L (Eriol & Anna could support?)

    • (GSoC) - JS Migration - Anna & Eriol

    • (GSoC)? - USSD - David L

    • David L to think about what capacity

    • Thursday is the deadline for deciding and getting back to students.

    • Plan for Public holidays/vacation/holibobs

  • Hackathon planning and AP's:

    • Gone through board and assigned tasks

    • All of track!

    • Eriol is trying to do a in-person one in Bristol on the evening of the 7th

      • Travel budget? <- Eriol to speak to June re. budgets

  • Is the DIAL report finished and what are the next steps?

    • Anna working on right now. Adding more details & then review. Max 5 pages, needs shortening & Financial report.

    • Everyone to support by reviewing and shortening if possible.

  • Is there any outstanding DIAL work?

    • Videos - Anna will try to record 2 and send to channel

    • Then review support needed from team

    • Eriol can do voice recording and edit video & sound :)

  • Write the docs Vilnus application deadline is the 22nd of April

  • Tensions/AOB

    • David L is planning April 23rd DIAL meeting :)

April 8th 2019

On the call:

  • Anna Iosif

  • David Losada

  • Eriol Fox

  • Staicy Gitau

Maternal leave ❤️ :

  • Angela Oduor

0. Point of order Should we take turns hosting this weekly call?

  • the host gathers the agenda and drives the meeting

  • let’s alternate the hosting every week

  • next hosts:

    • Apr 15: Eriol

    • Apr 23: David

1. Hackathon-planning, dividing tasks Anna: Created this doc — A label has been created in GitHub: “#Installfest” : Eriol: we could create an image for Instagram publication. Eriol: we could post the hackathon on Staicy: collecting people’s comments and stories and posting them out in our twitter / instagram stories. By next week

  • GitBook landing page should be pretty much put together,

    • (By Friday actually? Eriol and D-mac will be at Belfast with people that may want to check this out).

    • Anna running point

  • Banner and meet-ups created

2. Update on Outreachy/GSoC-applicants and discuss how we evaluate the candidates GSoC student application time is ending tomorrow. Outreachy ended yesterday. We seem to have three students, and we have a single slot (could be two) to fill. We will probably have to drop someone. We have until end of the month to evaluate the applicants We should start looking at the applications and try to do this async. 3. Dial/MOSS grants, idea brainstorm DIAL and Mozilla grants application deadlines coming up Anna: Haven’t seen all the previous applications. Anyone interested in these grants should open the fundraiser call today ( 6pm CEST ) Staicy: would it be feasible to apply for DIAL to fund downloading media files on top of the CSV files.Eriol: the grants don’t seem to be feature-oriented, but we could frame it as organising a series of events / hackathon to get some specific things done. 4. Meetup-planning, dividing tasks Design-themed meet up coming up. The date preferred by Justin is April 30th . Justin & Eriol will do the agenda and share in #community-docs Staicy will run announcements 5. Finance-report, does anyone know what needs to be reported? Anna will check with Irene. David can help. 6. DIAL 1 Report Anna started making an outline . Will reach out where input is needed

April 1st 2019

Regular meeting

  • On the call:

    • Anna Iosif

    • David Losada

    • Eriol Fox

    • Staicy Gitau

  • Apologies

    • Angie


GSoC & Outreachy

  • Talked about how to talk to contributors

    • Multi on one issue

    • If they abandon an issue

    • Keep encouraging through github comments/gitter/community comms channels

    • Let's have many people work on, and register interested (especially for the application for GSoC and Outreachy) but when decided what to merge, we'll make a call once work is finished

    • One contributor that wants to help on documentation improvements


  • Finished (mostly) and David L is doing some edits tonight late.

  • Looking at milestones or cycles for the next set of DIAL work until September 18th 2019

  • Hackathon plan - Installathon! Get installed and then work on 1st issues

    • Dates, Plan, Remote hackathon, create issues.

      • 23rd to the 27th? Week of the 1st of May.

      • 2nd of May to the 7th of May. Anna to do plan & outline. Channel & Gitbook page etc.

      • Resourcing issues from S&E - need signing. Eriol to Poke org.

      • Look into budget for tshirts/swag for hackathon participants

  • Final Report - beginning of May due

  • Next community meet-up - Designers

    • Yes let's plan for April - AP: Ask Justin for dates etc.

      • 29th or 30th

      • Promote the hackathon!

  • Conferences are being applied for! :)))

March 25th 2019

Regular meeting

  • On the call:

    • Anna Iosif

    • David Losada

    • Eriol Fox

    • Staicy Gitau

  • Apologies

    • Angela Odour


  • Went through Angie's mat-leave handover doc

    • Anna & David L will work on the DIAL quartely/strategic report due. Using the last one as a template. Due May 5th (get out before Easter) Anna to work on this week.

    • Videos needing completion. Eriol to connect up with Cecilia on videos

    • Eriol is taking on Conference pitch organising and will message All things open organiser to ensure the pitches are received and considered. Add ideas to the doc

    • Other conferences are being prepped by Eriol including Mozfest & Write the docs etc.

    • Talked about some platform specific requests from users via intercom

    • Talked about Cyclone Idai users & Grassroots applications etc.

    • Anna to talk with David Mc about resourcing for DIAL

    • Anna/David L to talk to Micheal re. Outreachy applicants

    • Anna/David L to be point of contact for DIAL comms

    • Eriol & David Mc are going to BelFOSS (Belfast) (travel & accommodation paid for!) to rep Ushahidi.

    • Outreachy & GSoC is going well (lots of people interested and contributing)

      • Some questions around how many interns can be chosen/paid for: Ask Micheal.

    • Anna to connect with Justin re. UI refresh project for Outreachy. These FE issues need chopping up etc.

    • Keeping comms in chat rooms and github comments flowing for Outreachy/GSoC people. Supportive etc.

    • Cyclone Idai deployment is busy and interesting

February 25th 2019

Regular meeting

  • On the call:

    • Anna Iosif

    • David Losada

  • Async participation

    • Eriol Fox

    • Staicy Gitau

    • Angela Oduor


  • DIAL-check, where are we with the last issues?

    • Cecilia has been wrangling the Linux XAMPP (LAMP) setup but some blockers remain

      • David + Anna: unblock any remaining issues with the Linux XAMPP (LAMP) setup this week (hopefully by Wednesday)

      • David will propose a call

    • David: Make a first proofreading pass at the vagrant development environment setup instructions

      • Hopefully next week we will have available bandwidth to start putting together the script for that video

    • Anything else needs to happen to get the videos recorded?

      • Software? Anna will try to record a video for XAMPP/LAMP with Quicktime

  • Brainstorm about project-ideas for Google Summer of Code

    • David is confused because apparently the process is: students should come up with these ideas

      • need some more input of where we are standing in the process and what kind of ideas should we input at this point

    • It looks like the application deadline expired and with that, our opportunity to steer / influence project ideas from students (?)

    • Note however, that even if the deadline has expired, we should still be signed up through DIAL

  • Hackathon-plan -> InstallFest

    • David and Anna talked some ideas:

      • An online installation-fest targeting developers who wants to join our community and contribute with code.

      • Some brainstormed steps to take:

        1. When? Late march? During 1 week since online-hack?

        2. Advertise the hackathon to developers and create a specific fancy gitbook-page with tasks and links to installation-docs (mainly focusing on installation for development).

        3. Make them sign-up and on signup, give them a gitbook-account with commenting-permissions + a link to a specific Slack-channel (and maybe Gitter as well).

        4. We'll schedule our time around among devs to support with any questions.

        5. Also add smaller starter-issues that those who wants can start with if installation goes smooth.

        6. Incentives? Schwag? "I successfully installed the Ushahidi-platform"-pins? Other things?

    • DIAL strategic grant

    • David will look for an opportunity to re-sync on this ASAP

February 7th 2019

Ushahidi Community Meetup Recap

Hello All, Thank you for making the time to join us for our community meetup on 7th February, 2019. We had a great discussion with our CTO, Will Doran, and Product Lead, Juan Ricafort. For those who were unable to join us, you can find a link to the recording here. Some useful links for you to review.

  1. Our revamped home for technical documentation:

  2. Our GitHub repository home:

Our community channels are live here. Note that posting on any one of them will post on all of them simultaneously. So please do keep in touch.

Have a great week ahead. Angie.

January 21 2019

Short call to...

Check in on cycle 3 progress.

  • We are getting there, some of the docs are waiting on Platform release. We reassigned issues in github for the next milestone (nb 4).

Plan for meetups

  • Meetups scheduled for the 7th of February (online) and 11th of February (physical meetup hosted by Eriol in Bristol, yaay!)

Feedback from Cam MacDonnel

  • We went through very useful feedback from Cam MacDonnel, notes are here:

Dec 3rd 2018

DIAL documentation Cycle 1 check-in

  • Other things got in the way and didn't help progress

  • We've got some tasks half-way in progress, others haven't started at all

  • Team members who may afford dedicating a day to this should do that

  • Switching to 1 week cycles

  • It's fine to aim for partial completion of tasks, as long as you can clearly wrap up a section of it

Debrief on our first open meetup

What went well

We went through all topics, it was fun. The tech worked, we could record it. The audience was engaged. We had open notes.

What didn't work too well

It may have been too much on Ushahidi delivering on news and this really packed up the agenda. So many people signed up and very little showed up, some couldn't participate (WebEx issues?)

What can we improve on

We could collect conversation items from community and plug them up in the meetup agenda.

We should have other people in the org joining in.

When would we be comfortable hosting another one

Let's aim for early next year (i.e. January 10th), with preparation before Christmas break. Juan and Will could join this one and share

ACTION item: prepare this call and invite Juan and Will

Quick client development environment setup

  1. People sign up for their own demo deployment at

  2. Point the client at their API using the BACKEND_URL env variable

ACTION item: document this

November 29th 2018


Attendees: Angela Oduor Lungati, David Losada, Eriol Fox, Kevin McMahon, Romina Suarez, Staicy Gitau, Anna Iosif, Astrid, DaveO, Luis Hernando Aguilar, Bryan


  • Intro (Angela Oduor Lungati)

  • DIAL Support + open design (David Losada and Eriol Fox)

  • Lumen (Romina Suarez)

  • Hacktoberfest (Romina Suarez and Eriol Fox)

  • Open source survey (Angela Oduor Lungati)

DIAL Support (David Losada)

We recently recieved a grant to support our Open Source work from DIAL (Digital Impact Alliance). The grant will be used to support and scale up the open source community we have at Ushahidi. One area that is most needed for action is developer documentation. We want to have better contribution from the developer and open source community and for that, we need better documentation. We are using GitBook, a collaborative way of writing documentation. (@david I missed a chunk here when connection was choppy, please add if I have missed something important)

Open design (Eriol Fox)

Ushahidi recently partnered with Adobe and DesignIt to work on open up the design-process, especially for TenFour.

Video about the partnership:


Justin Scherer, one of our designers has been working with Mozillas open leader project about how designers can contribute to work we do at Ushahidi. We're also looking at how to open up the process for International Development works, activists and volunteers that aren't keen on contributing as far as 'code' go:

Question about if we are engaging with anyone in academia who is trying to encourage students in open source.

Answer: Yes we are.

David: we were invited to a hackaton in Puerto Rico working with mesh-networks and crisis-management/response if a hurricane like Maria would happen again. We talked to universities, partly about how to use opensource-tools like Ushahidi in the classroom. There is a blog post from this event:

Eriol: Participated on a Crisis response expo this week, about classes of students and how students could get involved and use some of our deployments. @eriol: I don't think I captured everything here.

Lumen migration (Romina Suarez)

In september of this year we officially released Platform's new version with lumen framework. We started moving to Lumen when Kohana was announcing its getting retired. We wanted to select something that is working, will be around for a while and that has a large community.

Our future development options are much more flexible now and one of the biggest wins for the open source community is that the export queues are now handled by Lumen instead of in a separate setup which makes it easier to handle.

Question: Is it easier to install the platform now than before?

Answer: It helps and moves in the right direction. We have not updated all documentation yet but as soon as proper docs are out it will probably be easier

Lessons learned from Hacktober-fest (Romina Suarez)

We participaded for the first time in Hactoberfest this year and we learned a lot. The biggest problem was that the contributors had a hard time contextualising what they were asked to do. The level of documentation is not enough for starting out with the platform without prior knowledge about it. This encourages us to fix the documentation as soon as possible, which also will happen during the DIAL-project.

Report back from Hacktoberfest London 2018 - Civic Tech Edition (Eriol Fox)

The Newspeak House in London wants to do work within Civic Tech and we partnered on their hacktoberfest event. Some of our issues where used during a hackatong and there was a group that wanted to collaborate on specific issues. We are hoping to do more events with them. If you are anywhere near London when those event happens, you are welcome to join! More information is found on the facebook-event for the hackathon: and on their webpage:

Open source survey (Angela Oduor Lungati)

We sent out a survey to our OSS community during September and October. We did not get as many answers as we hoped for, but the findings was still very interesting. We could see that noone under 18 replied, which means we need to do more work to attract that group of people. From a genderperspective, 99.9 % of the ones answering where males, which matches githubs own survey and this is also a part where we would like to work towards getting a more diverse community. Our community members are found all over the worlds and Front End developers, designers and translators were the most common roles. This shows we should also focus on Front End and design, not only Back End when writing documentation. Also, 54.5 % had not been able to install the platform successfully so this is an important part of the documentation to improve. All results are found here: @angie, I don't have the link.

November 19th 2018

Attendees: Angela, Eriol, David, Anna, Romina, Stacy


  • DIAL Grant issues are on this link

  • DIAL Cycle #1:

  • Should everyone work on the same draft?

    • Yes.

    • At the end of each cycle we publish the results of a draft.

  • ASK: if you are unsure about the scope of an issue, please reach out to Angie.

  • ACTION: please self assign issues.

  • ACTION: everyone to verify they can access the gitbooks and edit them

  • How to handle requests from external contributors?

    • Two people are asking about helping with docs

    • Recommendation: inviting anyone who wants to join documentation efforts to join our weekly syncs.

    • Decision: let's try it.

    • ACTION: Invite the OSS users to our syncs.

    • ACTION for David: document workflow to add docs from OSS contributors.Figure out how people can add docs and then send PRs.

    • DECISION: keep the gitbooks open to read

  • Community meetup next week (Nov 29th)

October 18th 2018

  • Attendees: Will Doran, Anna Iosif, David Losada, Angela Oduor Lungati, Romina Suárez


  • Purpose:

    • Discuss and decide ground rules for OSS documentation effort

    • Discuss and decide priority areas to cover with documentation

    • Decide and assign competence areas / next actions

    • Identify ideas from our brainstorming Trello board that are going to be addressed / implemented under DIAL-1 grant

  • Objective:

    • Ensure we have taken all the necessary decisions to kickstart the developer documentation process appropriately

    • Attempt to set things up in a way that encourages community contributions from the get-go

    • Ensure each of the members of the group knows what to do / expect next

    • Approximately measure how far the first DIAL grant is going to take us compared to our overall ambitions.

  • Process:

    • David to open up each of the topics under Purpose, free-form discussion among the group follows

    • David to summarise and write down conclusions (edited)


  • Any governance decision should be written down on Gitbook

    • This provides openness from the start and gives a good jumping off point for project and docs

  • February 5th is end date for 25k grant

  • Can piggy back on Sivico’s hand off document

  • We will need to video recordings/animations

    • Can it be done in an editable way

    • There is overhead when the interface changes

  • Priority areas:

    • Installation

    • Upgrading

    • Open source basics

    • How to connect with Mobile/Types of issues experienced

    • Docs for helping people who want to test the application/Test scripts etc

    • Docs on how to get support

      • We should be explicit about what support we can give

      • When is it a git issue/when is it a come to community support channel issue/etc

    • Coding standards

    • Design

    • Command Line tools:

      • Running Data Sources

      • Running Migrations

  • Competence areas:

    • Gitbook(@david)

    • Video/animation creation

      • Can it be done in an editable way

      • There is overhead when the interface changes

    • Strategising on the content

      • Spec process in order to validate and work on the content

    • Research

      • What are good standards?

      • What is a novel approach?

      • This needs to be time bounded

    • Process Coordinator(@angie)

      • Overview of docs effort

      • Oversight of phases and delivery

      • Ensure adherence to process

      • Checking on timelines

      • We should use cycles

    • Curators(@anna,@david)

      • One layer review to start with

      • Edit

      • Review

    • Design(@eriol(?), @anna)

      • Look and feel

      • Accessibility

    • Default assignee for things that fall through gaps (@david)

Last updated

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