The map view displays posts on a map - particularly posts that have location information.
Posts and the map area of the map view:
Each post appears as an icon (i.e. a marker/pointer) on the map. In the event that you opted to combine nearby posts on your Map settings page (Section 3.2 of this manual), posts adjacent to each other on the map will cluster together, displaying a number denoting number of posts combined.
Clicking on each individual post displays a small pop-up box with the post title and description.
You should also be able to zoom in and out of the map as desired.
Sidebar and Toolbar: See the page below for some more map view related information when it comes to managing data on your deployment through the sidebar and toolbar.
You will find more detailed information about managing data on your deployment in Section 6. But here is a quick run-through about managing data on your deployment through the sidebar and toolbar in any of the views mentioned earlier: Map view, Data view, Activity View and Settings View.
Add new post: Add new posts from the sidebar as shown in the screenshot below.
Sources: From the toolbar, Get a breakdown of incoming posts by source (when in map view or data view).
Languages: From the toolbar, visitors to your Ushahidi instance can select the language they'd like to interact with your data in. The language list consists of languages that have been translated.
The Activity view gives you a summary of how people are interacting with your deployment over time.
Compare activity over time: You can filter post count in a line chart over time for a particular range, and for:
All posts in the deployment
Categories that the posts belong to
Surveys that the posts were submitted to
Status i.e. whether they’re published or not
Compare activity by Volume: You can filter post count in a bar chart by volume for a particular range, and for:
Categories that the posts belong to
Surveys that the posts were submitted to
Status i.e whether they’re published or not
Sidebar and Toolbar: See the page below for some more activity view related information when it comes to managing data on your deployment through the sidebar and toolbar.
The Ushahidi platform provides you with modes (i.e. views) to not only visualise your data in different ways, but to also manage it.
We designed “modes” for the discrete and specific actions users need to take within the platform, in a bid to make the platform to be more intuitive and action-oriented for different user types on a deployment.
Guest/anonymous users or viewers of a deployment can access three modes as shown below:
Map view
Data view
Activity view
Signed in users(with the necessary permissions) can access all four modes as shown below:
Map view
Data view
Activity view
Settings view
Your Ushahidi deployment defaults to the map mode for anyone who visits your homepage(as illustrated above). To change your current mode, select any of the options provided to you from the menu on your left.
Note: Some data displayed on this page may or may not be available to all users viewing the data view. What you can see or the actions you can perform is dependent on the permissions you have or are granted as a user.
The Data view allows you to view, triage, and manage posts coming into your deployment as a chronological list of events over time. It provides a split pane that lists post summaries on the left pane, and post details and editing features in the right.
Posts details/edit and the data view:
View individual post details
Edit posts to either change existing structures or assign posts from incoming datasources to a survey
Managing posts from the data view:
Add posts to collections
Publish posts
Put posts under review
Archive posts
Share posts
Delete posts
Bulk actions for posts from the data view: Perform bulk actions( publishing, putting under review, archiving, adding to collections and deleting) on multiple posts at a time.
Sidebar and Toolbar: See the page below for some more data view related information when it comes to managing data on your deployment through the sidebar and toolbar.